How Do We Treat Other Animals?

The study and behavior of animals began from the studies performed by Charles Darwin. In his studies, Darwin discovered that animals do in fact harbor similar behavioral and emotional characteristics as humans. Although many scientists have done similar work to Darwin’s studies, some of the most ground-breaking knowledge about animals came from Donald R. Griffin. Griffins Imagestudies “indicated that scientists had underestimated the abilities of nonhuman animals to accomplish complex mental tasks” (158). Today, we are much more knowledgeable about the behavior of animals as just how closely it relates to that of humans. Although we are well aware that animals have the ability to remember past events and are conscious of themselves and of their situation, we do not treat them as sophisticated beings they truly are. Rather, we treat them as a means to an end. In the severely disturbing yet informing documentary Earthlings, we are shown every situation in which we abuse and exploit animals, ranging from graphic images and videos from slaughterhouses to the production of fur and leather. For me personally, it was a very emotional and painful experience to watch this documentary. I have been a vegetarian for eight years now and try to lead a life according to the humane treatment of animals. I have always held a strong affection for animals and refused to remain ignorant about our treatment of them. Although I was already aware of the many topics covered in the documentary, it was still very difficult for me to them once again. Many people become uncomfortable by the idea of slaughterhouses and where their meat comes from. They are aware of these conditions but are apathetic to the idea of an animal being harmed. They would rather continue to consume their meat, or rather the result of misery and pain, and remain in an ignorant state of bliss. I, however, cannot turn away from such heinousness. As stated in the documentary, our mistreatment and abuse of animals is comparable to that of mass genocide. Yet, our society believes our current treatment of animals is justifiable because of just that: they are animals. As mentioned earlier, animals have the same capabilities as humans and are just as aware when they are beaten or close to being slaughtered. They have complex minds and emotions just as we humans do. But again, we refuse to believe that this is true. Although I feel better for not supporting the meat industry, I know that animals are still facing injustice everyday. They cannot fight back or have any control over their situations although they are well aware of what is being done to them. That is why I aspire to one day become an animal rights lawyer and work for the Humane Society of the United States. I want to work to bring an end to every area of exploitation of animals.

Question: Should movies such as Earthlings be broadcasted on national television? Would this bring awareness to everyone or would it just turn people off from wanting to help animals?

About dripley91

Senior at Fordham University. Environmental Policy Major and Sustainable Business Minor
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